Cobb Anger Management Company, LLC
"The Real Approach"
Tel: (678) 653-4223

Court Ordered Anger Management

Court Ordered Classes
Cobb Anger Management Company offer a selective number of options for individuals that have been mandated to attend anger management classes by the courts. Some individuals may only be ordered to take an Anger Evaluation/Assessment, while others may have been given a specific amount of anger management classes that are expected to be completed within a certain amount of time.
It is the individuals responsibility to know the terms and conditions in which they can comply with the courts request, in some cases individuals can participate in a Online/ Virtual course, most cases individuals are asked to physically participate in a class setting.
Most likely if you been mandated to take anger management classes, you have been in a situation that may have gotten out of control to the point that law enforcement had to get involved. At C.A.M.C we understand that things happen, we also believe everyone deserves a second chance to resolve their issues. In our court ordered anger management classes we equip our clients with different strategies and techniques to help them over come challenging obstacles they may face in a stressful situation. These tools are designed to help you understand your anger and also to help you control your behavior while experiencing anger.
We currently have various options to help you comply with your court ordered Requirements.
Anger Evaluation/Assessment : Done by a Licensed Therapist
1-on-1 Sessions : Individuals that would like to have personal private sessions
8hr/ Group Sessions (Saturday): Individuals that would like to accelerate the process and complete the mandated hours in a timely fashion. These groups are usually good for individuals that have been ordered to 8, 12, 16, 24, or 52 hours of anger management.
1-on-1 4hr, 8hr, 16hr Session : Individuals that would like to accelerate the process and complete the mandated hours, but DO NOT want to participate in the group sessions.
Goals Objectives:
At the end of this course, participants will be able:
* Recognize the role individuals responsibility in changing "Maladaptive" behavior.
* Develop a working understanding of one's own anger/stress patterns and responses.
* Identify "Situation anger" that consistently results in angry responses that can lead to violent behavior.
* Eliminate or minimize violent behavior. Learn how and when to use "time outs" to prevent violent confrontations. Incorporate new coping skills to handle anger, stress, and other feelings.
* Use Communication skills and listening techniques effectively and gain a better understanding of how children in one's family can be affected by parental communication techniques.
* Become more aware of one's own stress and anger signals and develop the capacity to sense the mood of persons with whom he or she must interact.
House Rules:
1. Participants must come on time to all classes
2. Fees must be paid PRIOR to each class and must be kept current.
3. No participant will be permitted to complete the class until all outstanding fees are PAID IN FULL.
4. NO PROFANITY will be permitted in the class.
5. The identity of all participants as well as any material discussed in the group will be kept confidential.
6.Participants who are disruptive in the group will be reported back to the court or referring source as uncooperative.
7. All groups members MUST participate in each class.
8. Any participants who appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be dismissed from the group and reported back to the court referring source.
9. NO Derogatory, Racial, or Ethnic comments will be accepted in the group.
10. All cell phones must be put on silence during class time.