Cobb Anger Management Company, LLC
"The Real Approach"
Tel: (678) 653-4223

Virtual Online Anger Management/ Personal Growth Sessions

Cobb Anger Management Company (C.A.M.C) now offers TeleHealth sessions for clients that can not make it out of the home or for that business client that needs to go on a last minute business trip, or maybe you just don't feel like getting off your couch. This new virtual experience is to help make things more convenient for the clients. Our Virtual Sessions will give clients another option to help them keep up with their own personal growth while still handling everyday life with out having to be in a office setting.
Clients will be able to receive material that would be covered in a normal session and also be able to receive their CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION if needed for your personal needs. Cobb Anger Management Company is keeping up with the new era with this new addition to our repertoire, clients will find it convenient and useful. The way technology has evolved has giving us the opportunity to use this to our advantage and help put a spin on personal growth allowing us to keep it around us any and everywhere.